Students and Teachers Forum

पुँजीवादी समाजका .....

सामन्ती समाजमा धनी र गरिब प्रष्ट छुट्टिएका वर्ग हुन्छ । बढी भूमिमाथि प्रभुत्व राखेमा - .....

पुँजीवादी समाजमा उत्पादनका .....

कार्लमार्क्सले विकसित समाजको अन्तिम रूप साम्यवादी समाजको कल्पना गरेका छन्। यस्तो समाजमा .....

कार्लमार्क्सले समाजवादी समाजको पनि कल्पना गरेका थिए । यस्तो समाजमा उत्पादनका साधनहरू पुँजी, .....

सामन्ती समाजमा धनीहरूले जमिनको बढी उत्पादन बिक्री गरी नाफा कमाउन थाले उनीहरूले मानिसका अन्य .....

१ .प्रारम्भिक युगमा मानिसहरू ढुङ्गालाई हतियारको रूपमा प्रयोग गर्थे । ढुङ्गाले हानेर जनावरको .....

हामी बसेको समाजको विकास पनि क्रमिक गतिमा हुँदै गएको छ । यहाँ विद्यालय थिएनन् । बाटोघाटो कच्ची .....

प्रयोगको आधारमा लोकगीतलाई चार प्रकारमा विभाजन गर्न सकिन्छः (क) संस्कारमा प्रयोग हुने: जन्म, .....

१.सुरु सुरुमा मानिसहरू ढुङ्गाले हानेर सिकार गर्थे । जङ्गलमा भएका .....

१.कार्लमार्क्सअनुसार .....

१.निश्चित भौगोलिक क्षेत्रमा पारस्परिक भावनाका साथ बसोबास गर्ने मानिसहरूको समूहलाई समुदाय .....

हाम्रो समुदायको विकास .....

(क)साझा उद्देश्य र लक्ष्य लिएर निश्चित भौगोलिक क्षेत्रमा बसोबास .....


तलको अवस्था अध्ययन गरी दिइएका प्रश्नको उत्तर लेख्नुहोस्:

ग्रामीण क्षेत्रमा देखा परेका सकारात्मक परिवर्तन

विनोदको गाउँमा विगत पाँच वर्षको अवधिमा प्रशस्त सकारात्मक परिवर्तन भएका छन् । उक्त गाउका मानिसले एकआपसमा भाइचारा र बन्धुत्वको भावनासहित सामूहिकताका उदाहरण प्रस्तुत गरेका छन् । आफ्नो गाउँको विकासमा आफैं अग्रसर हुनुपर्छ भन्ने भावना विकास भएको छ । गाउंमा सामूहिकरूपमा बाटोघाटो निर्माण गर्ने, गुठीमा विभिन्न कार्यमा सहभागिता जनाउने काम हुँदै आएका छन् । त्यस्तै कुलपूजा, जन्ममृत्यु सस्कारमा सरसहयोग गर्ने प्रचलन गाउँमा छ ।
गाउँमा मोटर बाटो ल्याउन सबै गाउँलेले श्रमदान गरेको, मोटर बाटाको लागि सम्बन्धित ठाउमा कुरा गर्न गएको सन्दर्भले गाउँमा असल सहकार्य र सामाजिक व्यवहारको प्रदर्शन भएको छ । साना किसानहरूको समूहले गरेको लगानी र सामूहिक कृषि प्रणालीले जीवनस्तरमा सुधार आएको छ । यहाँका मानिसमा उद्यमशीलताको भावना क्रमिक रूपमा बढ्दो छ । यसका साथै सामुदायिक कार्यमा सहभागिताले अपेक्षित नतिजा प्राप्त गर्न सकिन्छ भन्ने विश्वास बढेको छ । समय समयमा केही विवादहरू नभएका होइनन् तर ती फरक किसिमका विचार तथा कारणहरूले समाजको गतिशीलतामा उत्तिकै योगदान पुयाएको छ । महत्त्वपूर्ण कुरा त आर्थिक अवस्थामा आएको परिवर्तनले व्यक्तिको सोचाइ, सामाजिक मूल्य, मान्यता, परम्परा, संस्कार, संस्कृतिमा पनि सकारात्मक परिवर्तन आएको छ । उनीहरूमा आपसी सहयोग, सहकार्य र मेलमिलापको भावनामा वृद्धि भएको छ । सामाजिक एकता र सद्भावमा पनि बढोत्तरी भएको छ ।


(क) विनोदको गाउँको विशेषता उल्लेख गर्नुहोस् ।

(ख) विनोदको गाउँका कुन कुन सकारात्मक पक्षलाई तपाईंको समुदायमा पनि आत्मसात गर्न सकिन्छ होला ? समुदायका अगुवासँग छलफल गरी प्राप्त निष्कर्ष कक्षामा प्रस्तुत गर्नुहोस् ।
ग) समाजमा साझा उद्देश्य प्राप्तिका लागि तपाईंले निर्वाह गर्न सक्ने कुनै चारओटा भूमिका बुँदागत रूपमा लेख्नुहोस् ।

(घ) तपाईंको समाजका विशेषता प्रस्तुत गर्नुहोस् ।


(क)विनोदको गाउँका मानिसहरूमा .....

Anti- viruses are computer program that is used to prevent scan, detect and delete viruses from computer. Some popular anti-virus soft-wares are Kaspersky, McAfee, Norton .....

Computer virus is a malicious program of computer. Some symptoms are: 1.    It makes computer slow. 2.    It deletes .....

Cyber bullying is misusing the information and communication .....

A search engine is software that helps people find the information they are looking for online keywords or phrases. Google, yahoos are two popular search .....

Email is the way of exchanging messages or mails using electronic devices between two or more people. Its advantages over postal mail system is it is time .....

ICT stands for Information Communication and Technology which includes the communication devices, technology used for communication and information we get. Some examples are radio, television, computer, internet .....

Computer security is the protection of computer system that they store or .....

Telecommunication is the process of sending information or data in any form such as text, audio, video, etc. from one place to another or from one device to another using electronic .....

Abash Maskey and Hari .....

Telephone and mobile .....

Amplitude modulation Frequency modulation It is modulation technique where amplitude of a carrier varies depending on the information signal. It helps lower frequencies to travel to a long distance. The frequency of .....

Search engine Browser It is web based tools that is used by people to find information on the internet It allows searching and filtering websites. It is used to search information in a computer using internet using .....

Computer virus Firewall It is a malicious program of computer.; It slows down the computer. It is network security that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network. It decides whether to transfer or block .....

1. A satellite is device made by a human, which rotates around the earth in a particular orbit. 2. A firewall is network security device that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic according to predefined rules. 3. Computer .....

The achievement of biology is important for mankind because of it we can cure different diseases and achieve healthy .....

Scientific notation is useful in scientific calculation as it allows us to convert very large or very small numbers into much more manageable .....

We need to study science because it provides systematic approaches of understanding various objects, topics and .....

Experiment is important in scientific method to prove hypothesis and invent or discover new .....

A scientific study is important because it helps to perceive theories and to provide a basis for scientific .....

Multiples Sub-multiples Multiples are the factors used to create large form of SI unit. Sub-multiples are the factors used to create smaller form of SI unit. Kilometer, hectometer, quintal, etc are examples of .....

Botany Zoology It deals with the study of plant. It deals with the study of animals. The person who studies botany or about plants is called botanist. The person who studies zoology or about animals is called .....

Least count of an instrument is the smallest measurement which can be accurately taken from the particular instrument. For example- A measuring scale can measure a length of any object up to millimeter .....

Voltmeter- 0.05 unit    measuring cylinder-0.2ml    stop watch-0.01 .....

The importance of least count is that it enables us to calculate any data more precisely and accurate. The importance of average is measurement is that it helps to access or understand the data ingeneral and whole same .....

A metric prefix is an easy way of expressing multiples and submultiples of any defined unit. Its importance are- 1. They can be applied to any fundamental metric unit. 2.  Such metric prefix can be converted to the other prefix .....

The rules of scientific notation are: 1. Base should be always 10. 2. The exponent must be a non-zero integer, which means it can be either positive or negative. 3. The absolute value of the coefficient is greater than or equal to 1 but it should be .....

Experiment is one of the steps of scientific learning which is used to prove hypothesis after observing and doing background research, it can be done by taking required material and following some procedure using the materials and to prove .....

Scientific notation is a way of writing too big or too small numbers easily in the standard form. Its importance are: A. It allows us to convert very large or very small number in much more manageable form. B. When these numbers are written in .....

The most important laboratory safety rules are: 1. We should always wear apron. 2. We should work in presence of a teacher and should not leave an ongoing experiment. 3. We should always keep our work area tidy and clean after use. 4. We should wash .....

Two characteristics of scientific knowledge are: A.Scientific knowledge is backed by data facts and evidences which is applicable for all the entities with similar features. B. Scientific knowledge is progressive in nature and may evolve with the .....


The systematic study of physical and natural world through measurement, experiment, observation and formulation of laws is called .....

Test oxygen is essential to burn .....

Physics deals with the study of nature and natural phenomena whereas chemistry deals with the study if structure, composition, properties and how the energy is released or absorbed when matter .....

Does alkaline water actually make people .....