Students and Teachers Forum

'Scissors' is always plural. It has two different blades joined. If one blade is separated, it does not work. It means it does not cut hair. Some examples of the nouns which are always used in plural .....

Yes, student is the right answer for this .....

Our class has three sections. Determiner 'three' denotes more than one .....

There are many uses of the verb 'have'. 1. It can be a main verb. Diya and Sumina have many talents. 'Have' means 'possess something. Diya and Sumina possess talents. (several .....

If the denominator of the last term is x8-y8 Then, factorize the term x8-y8 using formula a2-b2=(a-b)(a+b). Now, you can take LCM between four terms. And simplifly .....

Countable Nouns Uncountable .....

Look at these numbers; 1, 2, 3 How many numbers are .....

The probability of any events can have 0 or 1 or between 0 and 1. Suppose, you are asked to find out the probability of getting 7 while rolling a dice. Well, it can never happen since dice have only numbers between 1 to 6. Hence, we say that the .....

they are found in higher .....

Normally golf balls have 250–450 .....

It has height of 2.8 m and weigh over .....

Yes, the mitochondria.  Mitochondria store food.  They produce energy by cellular respiration. The place where energy is produced is the powerhouse.  So, mitochondria are known as the powerhouse of the .....

माथिका उदारहणमा  भएका कु , उप , अति , सम  उपसर्ग हुन् |   स्वतन्त्र अर्थ नभएका यस्ता भाषाका .....

Our normal body temperature is about 37ºC (98.6ºF). What happens when your body temperature .....

You move from one place to another. This leads to change in the position of the body. This is due to the movement of the body by application of certain force. If the bus changes its position from one place to another, this means that the bus is in .....

We get oxygen from the air.  Air is present everywhere around us.  Have you ever seen the .....

having power 1 of the variable is 1st degree having power 2 of the variable is 2nd .....

 हामीले  अनुच्छेद भित्र रहेका  शब्दहरुलाई  छुट्याउन खोज्नुपर्छ |   यस्तो गर्दा अर्थ .....

A foam may be regular or irregular in shape.  We measure the volume of regular and irregular solids differently. Did you want to ask about the regular shaped foam or irregular shaped .....

Yes, you are .....

Yes, you are .....

Let's take another example,  The snacks she brought was very tasty.  In this sentence the word 'tasty' describes how the snack was.  'Tasty' describes about the quality of the noun.  So, 'Tasty' is .....

Let's take another example,  Poonam sings a song.  'Sings' has expresses its own meaning.  So, 'Sings' is a main .....

Let's take another example, The car Brook got on his birthday is fast. In this sentence the word 'fast' describes about the noun.  'Fast' is used to describe about Brook's car.  So, the word 'fast' is .....

For example, This house is big.  The word 'This' makes it clear which object we are talking about.   'This' is an adjective.  It demonstrate about the noun. Such words that demonstrate the noun is an demonstrative .....

But the sun and other stars produce heat and light.  They have hydrogen gas at their core.  The core has very high temperature and pressure. The atoms of hydrogen fuse into the atoms of helium at very high temperature and .....

The exception to this rule is the elements having following atomic numbers: So, 1 - Hydrogen ⟶ 1 (atomic mass)       4 - Be             ⟶ 9       7 - N    .....

Probability is a ratio of some similar events that can occur to the total events. If we toss a coin,  There are two events that can occur; head and tail. Head and tail are two opposite events. So, The probability of head is 1 upon 2. And .....

The picture above shows the human nervous system. Every action or activity of the human body is controlled  by a system known as the nervous system. The nervous system is made up of neurons  which transmit nerve impulses ( simply .....

Well, venus does not have any moon. In the solar system, two planets i.e. mercury and the venus  do not have moons. Most likely because they are too close to the Sun. Any moon with too great a distance from these planets would be in an .....

 तिमीलाई के  गर्थे जस्तो लाग्छ भन त .....

This dress is so pretty.  Here, 'This' is a demonstrative adjective.  The word 'This' describes about the dress we were talking .....

Gaurav and Bidhan were talking.  Bidhan said to gaurav, "My dog runs faster than yours."  The word faster is a comparative word, as it compares between two .....

To memorize the number of  neutrons there are following rules: If the atomic number is even  number of neutron is equals to the number of proton and if atomic number is odd  number of neutron is one more than number of .....

Each brand have its own fastest .....

Suppose, we have to divide 23 by 3. Here, we keep 23 inside the bracket And 3 outside the bracket as shown here. 3) 23 .....

Applications can be powerpoint, excel, word, and other mobile .....

Brain booster, puzzlemaker and e library are so ways of .....

So, present useful technology can be E book for one willing to learn from different .....

Can you answer the question with these .....

A molecule of hydrogen is formed by Combination of two hydrogen .....

 यी उदाहरणमा भएका  वाक्यहरुमा  आफुमा आधारित  भएर भनिएको छ |  यस्तै क्रियामा .....

You feel weakness.  You feel you have no energy to move, work and play.  Do you know .....

Leech is an ectoparasite and has got a segmented body. The male and the female are present in the same body. i.e. it is hermaphrodite or .....

If the ball is not stopped, It keeps moving in a direction. Such a state of an object is called .....

First, factorize every algebraic expression. You will get factors common to all the expressions in the question. The factors are the HCF of the .....

Such devices are called simple machines Their types are  lever pulley screw inclined plane, .....

The "firefall" comes to life when the angle of the setting sun causes light to hit the waterfall just right .....

Have you seen spruce trees in the .....

You can see a coil inside the bulb.  The coil is made of very thin wire.  This coil glows up to give light.  Do you know, of what substance is it .....