Students and Teachers Forum

There are two atoms both in H2 and 2H. The atoms in H2 are combined together to form a single molecule. But, the atoms represented by 2H are not combined. They .....

Now, connect the dots. What you obtain after joining the dots is called a .....

Has anybody you know ever had surgery?  Sometimes, a doctor has to cut your body parrt to remove or repair it. Such an activity is called surgery. And the doctor who performs a surgery is called a .....

 नु  भयो ,      जस्ता  क्रियापद आएको  वाक्य  भुतकाल को  अपूर्ण  पक्षमा पर्छ |  यो .....

Do you know what causes the swelling of thyroid .....

Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world. The height of Mt. Everest is 8848 m(29029 ft.). It was found by surveyor George Everest and named Mt. Everest. In the beginning Mt. Everest was called .....

Anything in motion has energy. The energy possessed by a body in motion is called kinetic energy. A rolling ball has less kinetic energy. But the force we apply to stop it, catch it, is more.  That is why we can stop it, catch it. But a .....

The masculine gender for ostrich is .....

Let me help you. The masculine gender of hen is cock. Another name of cock is .....

Calenders can be based on solar system as well as lunar .....

Yes, the molecular formula is .....

Can you tell the numbers used for denoting the pH .....

If the radius of the circle is denoted by r.  Then, area of circle = π * r2 And, circumference of cirlce= 2π*r You can put the value of π=3.14 or .....

You can divide both sides by 3. Then, you will get the value of .....

Now, how many outcomes have at least one head?? Then, you should be able to find the probability .....


Subtitute the given values in the formula, And solve. The solution will give you the .....

The distance between nucleus and valence orbit of an atom gives its atomic size. Further, the valence orbit of an atom is from the nucleus, the larger will be the atomic size of an atom. The variation of atomic size is different when we move .....

More the numbers of electrons, more will be the repulsive force, lesser will be the nuclear force of attraction. This results the valence shell to spread out and  hence the atomic size .....

Likeness of members in a social group is the primary basis of their mutuality.  The problem of likes and dislikes is connected to the social growth. Man cannot live alone. He/she needs the help of others for his survival. Society fulfills .....

मलाई लाग्दैन कि यो पढ्नु पर्छ | त्यसैले यो कुरा  तिमीले आफ्नै कक्षाका विषय शिक्षकसंग .....


‘शून्य’ शब्द दीर्घ उकार लागेको शब्द हो भने ‘शिक्षा’ शब्द ह्रस्व इकार लागेको शब्द हो । .....

Yes, P stands for pressure, F stands for force and A stands for Area. Now tell me what must be the values of F and A in the formula so that P will be .....

यहाँ, ऊ शब्दले रामलाई जनाएको छ । 'ऊ' सर्वनाम हो .....

Yes, things like plants, animals, birds and insects are living things.

All the living things together make up the biological world.


Nepal occupies 0.3 percent of Asia continent. And Nepal occupies 100th part of the area covered in Asia. Now, can you guess the .....

Now, measure 6 cm from top-left corner and low-right corner of the rectangle. Then, draw straight lines joining the points. At last, draw map of Nepal as shown in the .....

Hydrogen               Oxygen

Now, write their .....

 According to some astrophysicists,

If you just step onto a black hole,

Your body would appear just like toothpaste being pressed out of a toothpaste .....

So, there is no such .....

Leukemia is the condition in which blood lacks normal blood .....

There are 8 values and mean is equal to 37. Simplify the .....

For example, water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen. Each of them is called an element. Every element is made up of .....

The numerical value of π is approximately equal to 3.142. r is the radius of circle. The value of r is given in the .....

Now, you must have got the answer. Diary means a .....

The matrix whose determinant is 0 is .....

When the magnetic lines passing through a coil changes, a voltage is induced. The induction of voltage in a coil due to the change in the magnetic lines of force passing through it is called electromagnetic induction.  The induced voltage .....

We have, Power of water pump (P) = 2KW = 2000W Time (t) = 1 minute = 60 seconds Workdone by the water pump (W) = P*t = 2000*60 = 120000 Joules This workdone has to be converted into the potential energy. So, Potential energy (P) = W  or, .....

निबेदन  लेखेको मिति                                                       .....

पहिलोमा परिचय   अनुशासन भनेको के हो , यसको  परिचय र अर्थ  दोस्रोमा     अनुशासनको .....

Word-groups like 'a group of students' or 'a dense forest' make sense to some extent. Yet, it is not enough to give intended .....

There are many historical evidence of the first clock. 

For example, there is a record that in 1176 Sens Cathedral installed a a mechanical clock but the mechanism used is unknown. According to Jocelin of Brakelond,  in 1198 .....

Do you know, Olympic started from which country? It's first letter is G. Guess? G_ _ _ _ _. It lies in Europe.  Yes, it is the same country that leads the parade in the opening ceremony of Olympic Games. This country always leads the .....

The bat is traditionally made from willow wood, specifically from a variety of White Willow called Cricket Bat Willow. It is further treated with raw (unboiled) linseed oil which has a protective function. So basically, it is .....

It is the colour of sunflower, the colour of a sunny day, or the colour of tasty bananas! Yes, you got it right!! It is .....

Probably you've seen this sport already! It is called .....

Ancient olympics began at 776 BC, in Greece. Modern olympics began on 1896 A.D in Athens, .....

Ok, let me give a hint to you. This country is thse largest country in South America. This country is very popular for coffee production This country is famous for the dance 'Samba' And... Footballers like Pele, Ronaldinho, Ricardo .....

Pele is one of the greatest football figure we have com across. His beautiful way of playing football, his skills, and his talent led him recognized as 'The Black .....