Students and Teachers Forum

Just subtract selling price from his cost .....

Heterogeneous mixture is a mixture that can be easily separated into its parts, and those parts retain their original properties. Take a glass of water and add some rice grains in it. What can you see? You can see the particles .....



Atomic number is equal to the number of electrons that an atom .....

(i)Hence, Sparsha can buy 2000$ plus 10% of 2000$ with same Nepali currency. (ii)Now,  Sparsha will need to pay 3% of the  amount (2000$ plus 10% of 2000$). Therefore, the ans. of question is difference of step (i) and step .....

Hold its middle portion using a thread. What do you .....

All the objects are made of up small particles called molecules or atoms. The molecules inside the body are in the state of vibration. The vibrating molecules have their kinetic energy. The sum of molecular energy inside a body measures, the .....

Similarly, Let us take another example. 8 = 2 × 2 × 2 We can also write this as  8 = .....

एउटा  स्वतन्त्र  शब्द (पुत्र,हार )अगडि  अर्थ नदिने भाषाको टुक्रो (कु .....

If we heat the ice, the ice melts to change into its liquid state; that is water. If heat is provided continuously, water changes into its gaseous state, that is water .....

Every living thing needs water for their life .....

You may use certain set of letters In written form based on your spoken language. The set of letters used to represent spoken language in written form is called .....

You may have learnt about the relation between man, time and work. Using the relation,  First, calculate the amount of work that a man can do in 1 .....

You can use 1st equation for case I, 3rd term= a+(3-1)d.........eqn.1 For second equation, from the given condition, we can say, (Sum upto 11th term)-(sum upto 3rd term)=70...... eqn.2 Now, you can solve eqn.1 and eqn 2., to find out the value of .....

Your question is incomplete. Check .....

Visit a water resource near your home.  And search for algae. Observe one of them.   Compare it with the other big plants you see. How does it look like?  Is it green? Can it prepare its own food? Does it have root, stem and .....

Answer: 1.One newton - One newton is the force needed to accelerate one kilogram of mass at the rate of one metre per second square in the direction of the applied force. 2. One metre - One metre is defined as the length of the path travelled .....

Acetic acid is an organic acid. Normally, organic acid are weaker than the inorganic acid. Also, its molecular formula is CH3COOH. It means when dissolved in oraganic solvents or water, produces only less amount of ions. Or, the concentration of .....

More rainfall Water portion is more than land Humidity Rain throughout the .....

Yes, it comes in motion.  Now, tell me Have you ever noticed the direction the football .....


 यस ई  ई  मा  त  चोर्छौ, सुन्दर जीवन त कहि चोर्न पाउदैनौ ।  

त्यसैले मेरो लागि  मैले .....

Of course, social participation is a backbone of a socialization process. When we are involved in a group that will allow us learn so many different ideas. It further helps develop skills like co-operation, co-ordination, help, pity, empathy, .....


Various species of animals are found around us. Some of them can regulate their body temperature while others can't. Animals whose body temperature changes acoording to surrounding are known as cold blooded animals. Example: Snakes, fishes .....

When you ask for 1 kg of sugar, the shopkeeper compares the sugar with 1 kg standard weight using a beam balance.  It is the comparision of unknown mass of sugar with known mass of standard weight. The process of comparing the sugar with the .....

Human skin consists of numerous layers of cells. They have separate functions. There is presence of numerous pores on the skin surface. They help in secretion of sweat and other waste particles from our body. We are also in repeatd exposure of heat .....

Roots absorb nutrients from soil required for the photosynthesis. It also transport the absorbed nutrients to .....

If river water is comtaminated, it does not show above properties, River water can be contaminated by mixing drainage, sewage and waste substances in it. We cannot use such water, can .....

We use a pully to pull water form a well. We use a screw driver to open a nut.  We use a handle in the door to open it.  We use a crowbar to lift a heavy stone.  These are the machines.  In fact, anything that makes our work .....

The force by which a person hits the ground depends upon the value of 'g'. As the height increases, the change in the value of 'g' will be more. It's because the value of 'g' will be nearer to the earth surface. So, .....

Rabbit lives in a .....

सँस्क्रित बाट  परिवर्तन भएर  आएका  शब्दहरु जस्तै : आसाढ बाट असार 


संयाेजककाे काम वाक्य जाेड्ने हाे । संयाेजक जस्ताे अरू शब्द छैन् .....

निपातको प्रयोगबिना पनि वाक्य बन्न सक्छ । जस्तै : म भात खान्छु । तिमी कहाँ जान्छौ ? निपातले .....

संयाेजक प्रयाेग गरी वाक्यलाई जाेड्छ । दुई शब्दलाई पनि संयाेजकले जाेड्ने काम गर्छ । .....

According to WHO, There are four types of malnutrition; 1. Under nutrition: Caloric 2. Overnutrition: Caloric 3. Under nutrition: Specific nutrient deficiency 4. Nutrient .....

शब्द र वाक्य जाेड्न अर्काे शब्दकाे आवश्यकता पर्दछ, जसलाई संयाेजक भनिन्छ । संयाेजक र, तर, .....

The compound amount is given by formula, Compound .....

Good habits are those which are considered to be normal in the society. And bad are those which society doesn't accept. So, it can be said, on the societal base good and bad habits are distinguished. Good haibts are praised whereas Bad .....

Unification campaign was started by Prithivi Narayan shah, During medieval age, Malla regime was dominant. Three states kathmandu, Patan and Bhaktapur were the last kigdoms .....

Answer: A solar day is the time between the consecutive passage of the sun through the zenith. Explanation: The sun rises in the morning in the east.  It lies just above us during the mid-day.  It sets in the west in evening.  It .....

Bad habits like stealing, Gambling Drinking alcohol are the reasons of quarrel and disputes in the  family and society. They also harm our .....

Good habits like caring /loving everyone, Not smoking and drinking Makes our life happier and healthier. Also everybody praises us if we Have good .....

With this you will have two numbers with x as a base. Now, divide the expression into two parts; Keep first two numerals in one place and other two in .....

You can say a person is good, if He/she is doing no harm to others Like if he doesn't steal, Smoke or drink or of he is against similar type of activties which  society has considered to be .....



Yes, Chitwan National Park Bardiya National Park Rara National Park Sagarmatha National Park Shey Phoksundo National Park Bardiya National Park Makalu Barun National Park Langtang National Park Khaptad National park Banke national Park Shivapuri .....