Students and Teachers Forum

Normally, there are 5 ways as per your level. The given facts about the line determines the method to be .....

P's coordinate is to be supposed as (x,y). Now solve the condition PA=PB to find .....

Select a number Which when multiplies with denominator Gives a rational number. Both numerator and denominator should be multiplied by that .....

At first add 1 on both sides then it becomes √2x=3 then do squaring on both sides then simplify .....

Similarly,  The sum of vectors CO and OB = vector .....

Gives the .....

I think you know the formula to find the angle, right? Yes, it is cosϴ=(a.b)/(|a||b|) So, at first find the dot product of a and b  i.e  a.b then find the magnitude of a and b   i.e   |a| and |b|. After that use the .....

Since, vector A  is perpendicular to vector B,  A. B = 0 or, ( 3i + mj).(4i - 2j) = 0 or, 3*4 + m*(-2) = 0 or, 12 - 2m = 0 or, 12 = 2m Therefore, m = .....

Yes, we can. But with collective effort. Only a person can't control climate change. Everybody has to be aware, take it as a serious issue and join .....

Dumji festival is celebrated in all the Sherpaa settlements in the month of July. This festival is mostly celebrated in the Khumbu area during the month of May or June every year. Dumji is celebrated with much enthusiasm by .....

We celebrate Teej, So that married women can go their parents home and enjoy several dishes. Observe Fast which has scientific Benefit as well. Festivals like Tihar, Rakshabandhan strengethen bond between sister and .....

The list of bad activities in the name of the festival is prepared below: Drinking alcohol Killing of animals in the name of god Gambling Spending to .....

Not only language, some ethnic groups have their own Script too. Though Hinduism and Buddhism are dominant religions, there are other religions too like, Christainity, Muslim etc. in Nepal. Combination of all, Makes a Nepal Multiethnic, .....

No, the amount of sugar and the salt is not equal. Different substacnes have different capacities to dissolve in water at a temperature.  The capacity of a substance to dissolve in a fixed amount of water to make a saturated solution at a .....

And culturally, we have diverse communities, and ecthnicity. They practice their own specific cultures. Those varieties of cutlture are equally interesting and beautiful. Thus, the cultural and natural diversities, have added to the beauty of .....

Yes, we have unique traditions. Several languages are there according to race. Different people have different lifestyles. And , they do have different cultural dresses. All these cutural practices reflects the thoughts, attitude and intention .....

We understand garden as a place where different kinds of flower blossoms. The flowers of different types can be found there. Similarly, Nepal is also a country where people from different backgrounds live together. They follow different .....

'filled with empty bottles' is a group of words which plays the role of adjective as it describes the bag in the .....

To find a.b use the .....


now multiply numerator and denominator both in this way you can .....

we should make both the numbers having same power then let's see bigger the radicand greater the surd .....

The question should be modified To solve we must have variable Here is no .....

Traditions are stories, beliefs, rituals and customs that are passed from one generation to the next. Keeping traditions for the holidays as well as the ordinary days help teach children the things their family values. These traditions help fill .....

There are others such beliefs which has scientific base but we follow those because our tradition .....

No no in exam you need to write the T ratios not that a and b.  It is just for idea to solve the .....

I think ypou should not believe in evil spirits. Those are man made superstitions. Rural people are ignorant, they still lack awareness. They do what their forefathers has done. We should educate them to eradicate such .....

'with beauty' is a group of words. It modifies the noun 'girl'. Hence, it does the work of an adjective. It is an .....

Good. Everything has a name. You have named everything you have seen, haven't .....

Noun Phrase: Rima loves books. 'books'  is the  object of the verb 'loves'. It still does the word of a noun. .....

All of these examples  are phrases the words like 'bridge', 'gold', 'hair', 'eloquence' and 'binoculars' are .....

At first let the moving point P be(x,y). Then find the distances of AP and BP. Then in AP=BP keep the values of AP and BP. And simplify .....

There exists some evil tradition in Nepal like untouchability, dowry system, witch doctor, discrimination and caste system.  Such traditions are not easily acceptable these days.  These traditions have broke harmony in our .....

Common traditions and specific traditions both Make our life .....

It lies along the foot of the Shiwaliks from the Indus to the Tista. It is 8 to 16 km wide.  It comprises of pebble-studded rocks in the shape of porous beds. Due to porosity of the rocks, the streams disappear and flow .....

It's the outer layer or the surface. Type of soil decides the productivity of land. Soil is the main element that has binded earth's outer .....

Our way of performing life cycle ritual is different from one another. These all complexities make Nepal a beautiful .....

Terai region has fertile soil.  It can produce plenty of food crops like paddy, wheat, maize etc.  It can also produce some cash crops like jute, tea, tobacco, sugarcane.  So it is called "Granary of .....

The three important valleys that lie in the hilly region are: a. Pokhara b. Surkhet c. Kathmandu Well, the hilly region lies in the middle part of the country. It covers 68% of the total .....

x1.x2+y1.y2 is the product of the vectors where x represents x component of the vectors and y represents the y .....

So, verbs that change according to number and person are called ??? Tell .....

There are different types of verbs depending on nature. Action Verb: dance, jump, play, sing, eat, talk, fight, kill, run, kick, blow, strike, etc. State Verb: look, seem, appear, sound, is, am, are, was, were and taste Transitive: Dipa .....

A participle is an -ing form which reflects the nature of both a verb and an .....

c. They substitute defintions like a person who treats patients---a doctor d. They do the work of adjectives like school bus, bus stop (Double nouns but one noun does the work of a .....

You can call a cock a rooster too.  And this is the masculine gender for ostrich. So, the masculine gender of ostrich is .....

In the first example, Roman is a masculine gender. So, it takes he as its pronoun. In the second example, Rama is a feminine gender.  So,it takes she as its .....

यहाँ  माछापुछ्रे, शब्द  (माछाको जस्तो पुछर   भएको) स्वतन्त्र शब्दहरु मिलेर  बनेको छ .....

त्यस्तै  उप उपसर्गमा  देश   जोडिएर  उपदेश  उप + हार = उपहार  उप + अध्यक्ष  = .....

घर, समाज, जस्ता शब्द सिङगा  शब्द हुन् । .....

 यसलाई  बुझ्न  तलका कुराहरु  हेरौ :  शब्द+रचना = शब्दरचना 
