Students and Teachers Forum

Sunlight energy is deposited on/in the skin where there are numerous nerve endings. An increase in skin temperature is "measured" and your brain is aware of it. We feel hot when sun rays hit us,  because the sun rays consists of .....


When you lift your bag from the floor, you do some work.  Here, you apply force upward, against the force of gravity.   

When you drag the .....

A suspension is a heterogeneous mixture in which solute-like particles settle out of a solvent-like phase sometime after their introduction. We use the terms 'solute-like' and 'solvent-like' because we are dealing with a .....

The capital city of Tibet is Lhasa which is in Chengguan .....

During the earlier days, it was not possible for people to communicate with each other easily. It would take weeks or even months to get any pieces of information from the far away places. The information during those days was limited to the .....

Thus, in the country like Nepal, lack of transportation may result in the lack of socialization between the various communities. This may result in poor bonding between the communities. Which is harmful to the national unity. Please let us know .....

The relative velocity of an object A with respect to another object B is the velocity that object A would appear to have to an observer situated on object B moving along with it.     Figure 1 .....

We become fat if we eat too much delicious food and do no .....

Barrel installation is the cheapest and .....

The distance travelled by light in a year is light .....

He is perhaps best known for his 1927 invention of  the first fully functional all-electronic image pickup device (video, camera tube)  as well as the first fully functional and complete all-electronic television .....

What is the question you want to ask? Please clarify the .....

In number theory, The prime factors of a positive integer are theprime numbers that divide that integer exactly. The prime factorization of a positive integer is a list of the integer's prime factors, .....

You know that Nepal is still an underdeveloped country. Many people living in the country still do not have access to the basic health .....

In developing countries like Nepal, acute sanitation problems and various water-borne diseases such as diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera and typhoid threaten the disaster-affected poor and vulnerable people. Especially due to the lack of safe drinking .....

Good health itself is real money of our lives. One can earn wealth as per capabilities and hard work. If we are blessed with good health then we can work hard to earn good .....

We can see the slogans like 'quality education is our .....

Our solar neighborhood is an exciting place.

The Solar System is full of planets, moons, asteroids, comets, minor planets, and many other exciting objects.

The Solar System is made up of all the planets that orbit our .....

The number 456 has 3 digits, each in a different place.   Hundred Tens        Ones     4 5 6 The digit 6 is in the ones place. This means the digit has a value of 6 ones. The .....

I assume the question is on basic concept - Economics:  

As you know: People have unlimited .....

The life long process nature of education makes people strong in decision making process. The educated ones can contribute a lot for development of their society .....

For example, the millennium development were for certain terms. They had to be fulfilled within 2015. Why it was so? The reason behind this is after the fulfillment of these the world had to set the other goals. See, sustainable goals are the .....

हामीले पनि आमाबुबाको चाहाना अनुरुप नै काम गर्ने र  आमाको इच्छा पुरा गर्नु पर्ने हुन्छ .....

Non-formal education is one of the recent concepts getting into use.  Non-formal education is different than formal education. Non-formal education consciously and deliberately organised and systematically .....

The boiling point of alcohol is 78ºC. While the boiling point of water is 100ºC. If we try to measure the boiling point of water using an alcohol thermometer, the alcohol in the thermometer will evaporate before reaching the boiling .....

 गुन र बैगुन विपरीतार्थी शब्द हुन् ।   गुन  भनेको  राम्रो काम हो ।   बैगुन भनेको .....

 विषमतापूर्ण सामाजिक संरचनालाई बदल्न  सक्ने हो भने महिलाविरुद्ध विभेद र हिंसाका  धेरै .....

सबै उत्तर एकै पटक पठाउन नसकेकोमा क्षमाप्राथी छौ । यस कविताको मूलभाव यस प्रकार छ ः यस कवितामा .....

यस कवितामा नेपालका प्राकृतिक सम्पदा, सांस्कृतिक भौगोलिक विविधता र गौरवशाली ऐतिहासिक .....

हामी कुनै शब्दलाई लामो समय लगाएर उच्चारण  गर्छौ त कुनै शब्दलाई छोटो समयमै     उच्चारण   .....

1. Unsaturated solution can dissolve some more solute at a given temperature whereas super saturated solution contains more solute then requires to form saturated solution. 2.The concentration of solute in unsaturated solution increase when solute .....

Please let us know if we could help you in any other way. Please feel easy to ask again if you do not .....

There are different types of verbs. Action Verbs : sing, dance, run, eat,....... State Verbs: is, seem, look, are, ........ Irregular Verbs: go-went-gone, do-did-done, eat-ate-eaten, .....

Accordingly, you'll be able to believe a diverse style of vegetation and climate even in a single day walk. The trees, forests, trees and the grasses that grow themselves are often called common vegetation. Normal vegetation depends on the .....

You may have learnt that hydrogen gas is combustible gas. That is; hydrogen gas burns even with little streak of flame. So, when a candle is brought near the mouth of jar containing hydrogen it .....

In hermaphrodite animals (eg. earthworm), the male sex cells mature earlier than the female sex cells.  ie. maturation of spermatozoa is earlier than eggs. Such type of animals in which male sex cells gets mature earlier than female sex cells .....

Kurt Angle was the first wrestler to win this .....

A familiar name given to a person instead of a real name and sometimes a humourous .....

In sea breeze


Derived units are always dependent upon other two or more than two units whereas fundamental units are .....

Pitch refers to the frequency of a sound, while loudness refers to the size or amplitude of the sound.

Do you know what speed is ? Speed is the distance travelled by any substance in a unit of time. Thus,speed of light is the distance light .....

 बुँदा टिपोटका लागी  पाठ तथा अनुच्छेदमा भएका महत्त्वपुर्ण  कुरालाई असमापिका कृया प्रयोग .....

Sound may be generally classified as pitch, loudness and quality. Sound quality or timbre describes those characteristics of sound which allows the ear to distinguish the sound which have the sam pitch and loudness. Timbre is the general term for .....

They should be used to abolish the malpractices of our society like, untouchability, discrimination on the basis of religion, race, caste, sex, or place of .....