Students and Teachers Forum

We can discriminate musical sound and noise as follows: 1.Music is the art of arranging and combining sounds in order to create a harmonious  while noise .....

Look at the figure carefully. You can see the layrnx. Layrnx is the hollow muscular organ forming an air passage to the lungs.  It also holds the vocal cords in humans and other mammals; It is also known as the voice .....

 सन्दुकरुइतले धेरै  मानिसको आँखाको शल्यक्रिया गरेका थिए ।     हामीले कुनै  नराम्रो .....

Please let us know if we could help you in any other way. Please feel easy to ask again if you do not .....



यस पाठबाट प्रश्न के सोध्न खोज्नुभएको होला .....

The sources of water aren’t properly utilized in Nepal. The concerned authority should take the right decision to utilize the sources of water. Similarly, the sources of water are drying up due to deforestation and environmental .....

What we should we do and which no you need help? Please write .....

A pi bond is a types of bond formed between two neighboring atoms  unbonded p-orbitals covalently formed bond. Double and triple bonds between atoms are called as pi bonds. Pi bonds are denoted by the Greek letter π. The pi bond is .....

Please write the question clearly, what we should do for the given .....

Please let us know if we could help you in any other way. Please feel easy to ask again if you do not .....

However, there are many sensitive part in a human .....

Please let us know if we could help you in any other way. Please feel easy to ask again if you do not .....

मनोजको तस्वीर अति सुन्दर छ । फोटोसहित प्रश्न  पठाउनु भएको भए अझ सुन्दर हुने थियो .....

Please let us know if we could help you in any other way. Please feel easy to ask again if you do not .....

See, medium industries have their own rules and regulations for their smooth running. But the political parties or leaders they pressurize these industries to fulfill their interest. They try to paralyze these industries if their interests are not .....


Here The ideal gas law pV = RT  ..........1  has the obvious dimensions Pressure [p] = ML−1T −2 Volume [V ] = L 3 Temperature [T] = Θ [R] = ML2T −2Θ −1  Substituting .....

Here, as Cosec22A - Cot22A = 1, the value would not be .....

Here I give you all the inequality, then by using 1  and 2  we can use  3. (1) Show that for every z∈Cz∈C,

|Re(z)|≤|z||Re(z)|≤|z| and |Im(z)|≤|z||Im(z)|≤|z|.

(2) .....

100 gm of CaCO3 gives 44 gm of CO2. 1gm of CaCO3 gives 44/100 gm of CO2. Now, calculate how much gram of CO2 we obtained from 44 gm of .....

Please let us know if we could help you in any other way. Please feel easy to ask again if you do not .....

bank increses and cash decreses in the assets column . No effect on capital and .....


We all know that human beings have unlimited wants. But to fulfill these needs the resources are limited/scarce. Thus, we make choices so that there is maximum satisfaction. Which means we choose one goods against another. This measure of .....

where is queastion ? please send the .....

In the sentence, to be (am) is the verb. It is a linking verb followed by a subject complement (a teacher).  Linking verb sentences are neither active nor .....

Book painting originally were made on a copper plate, palm leaf, .....

Please check your question once. Do you mean workdone? If it is workdone, then the information is .....

bank a/c .................dr     to cash a/c  (being cash deposited into bank .....

,Here V1→ = 2î  + 3ĵ  + 4k

V2→  = 3î  – 2ĵ  + 4k Magnitude of V1→ and V→2 ; |V→| .....

bank a/c ...............................dr    to cash a/c  (being cash deposited into bank .....

Hi! My friends and family call me Nabin. My name is Nabin Maka. What is your .....

There are several casuses that people have dream. As dream recurs it really seems mysterious. Probably, there is some psychological reasons like one has strong attachment to what he dreams and is in his subconscious. But do you think the dream that .....

We use a protractor to draw an angle of 15 degrees. A protractor has numbers arranged at certain space to measure an angle. Rular is a device used to measure length of a substance. It cannot measure angle. To draw an angle using ruler, a ruler .....

The angle of incidence in denser medium for which the angle of refraction in rarer is 90 degree, is called the critical angle of the .....

Please check your question once. Do you mean workdone? If it is workdone, then the information is .....

Mawsynram, located in the Meghalaya State in India, is the wettest place in the world, with an annual rainfall of 11,871 .....

a. purchase a/c ................dr     to pant a/c  b. pant a/c .......................dr     to purchase return a/c  c. purchase a/c .........................dr    to pant a/c   d. pant .....

Nuclear Energy is released by the splitting (fission) or merging together (fusion) of the nuclei of atom(s). In nuclear energy, conversion of nuclear mass to energy is consistent with the mass-energy equivalence formula ΔE = .....

Solution Suppose that the mirror is situated at distane x from the object. then  u = x  Magnification, m = -2             ( Virtual image)   m= v/u  -2 = v/x  v .....

Discharging action of sharp points in the conductor discharges the conductor i.e. loss of charges from the sharp points of conductor. To hold a charge in the conductor in air, its surface should be highly polished and .....

 Science is the concerted human effort to understand, or to understand better, the history of the natural world and how the natural world works, with observable physical evidence as the basis of that understanding1. It is done through .....


Sulphate of any salt  or metal is define as vitriol and oil of vitriol is specifically spoken to sulphuric .....

Atomic mass or atomic weight is the average mass of one atom of the element.  Or it is the relative average mass of an element with respect to 1/12 th weight of carbon (isotope of carbon .....

Please send a question at a .....