Students and Teachers Forum

First, find the total marks obtained by 5 students. Add the mark of new student. And find new .....

It depends on what 'hot' actually means. If you are reffering hottness as the temperure of the water,  rivers that have high density, slow flow rate,  and lying in a hotter region of the world have higher temprature than rivers .....

When we drop two objects from the same height Both of them hit the ground together This is because both of them are pulled  towards the surface of the earth by the force called gravity. From Newtons law of gravitation  F = .....

Answer: If a body can cover equal distances in equal intervals of time then the body is said to move with uniform motion. For examples: motion of the earth around the sun, a car moving on a straight road without any change in its velocity, .....

The aggregate of all the existing things including all the celestial bodies and space is referred as the universe. It includes billions of galaxies that further contains millions of stars, different gases and interstellar dust particles. Also, .....

We human beings are also mammals.  Humans bear child directly.  They feed milk to their baby.  The animals such as buffalo, goat, dog, cow, deer, tiger, rabbit, wolf, rat, cat, elephant, horse and so on are .....

In the question, interest and time are given. Rate of interest should be calculated. Use the formula; Simple interest = (PTR)/100 to find the .....

के सोध्न खोज्नुभएको  ? 

 नेपाली विषय मेहनत गरेर पढ्नुस् .....

The son of mama is called .....

For elements having even atomic number, number of neutrons = number of protons = atomic number. For elements having odd atomic number, number of neutrons = number of protons +1  = atomic number .....

Only the number, which is divisible by two different numbers; 1 and itself, is called a prime number. Now tell me, is the number 2 and 7 a prime .....

The area of the trapizium according to the given figure can be calculated as: Area =1/2 (a+b) * h Here, a and b are called bases of the trapizium  And, h is called the height of the .....


UN specialized agencies are international organizations that coordinate their work with the United Nations through negotiated agreements. On the other hand, specialized agencies are legally independent of the United Nations and have separate .....

During swimming we Stroke our hands and legs downwards and then backwards which is an action  according to Newtons third law there should equal but opposite reaction   Water inturn gives us reaction force making us to move .....

Hippocrates was believed to be the first doctor of world He is known as 'Father of .....

There are many women who do so. Some of them are Syo Yun Ryu, Ami Yang .....

You can use unitary method to solve these kind of questions.  If Rs. 110 = 1 Us dollar then, Re, 1 = 1/110 Us .....

Now, would you tell me what is π, a rational or .....

Colonialism is where one nation assumes control over the other and Imperialism refers to political or economic control, either formally or informally. A country conquers and rules over other regions Building and maintaining colonies in one .....

The difference between nationalism and extreme nationalism is shown in the table below:
Nationalism Extreme Nationalism Nationalism means to give more importance to unity. This is a .....





In between the planet Mars and Jupiter, we can find a group of huge rocks.  These rocks revolve around the sun. We call them asteroids. Do you know the names of some .....

First question, First replace 'of' with multiply. You have to follow the BODMAS rule. First do the Brackets part. You will have take LCM of 2 and 3. And do, 1/2-1/3. I think you will be albe to proceed from .....

First question, First replace 'of' with multiply. You have to follow the BODMAS rule. First do the Brackets part. You will have take LCM of 2 and 3. And do, 1/2-1/3. I think you will be albe to proceed from here. Similarly, you can do .....

Here, the pyramid have a square base. So, you can imagine that there will be 4 trianglural faces. Hence, the lateral surface area= 4 times the area of one triangle .....

 शिरविन्दु र चन्द्रविन्दु  लोगेका शब्द के के  हुन् थाहा छ तपाईलाई .....

In the past, Nepal was divided into different states and principalities. There were small states before the unification by Prithvi Narayan Shah.  After that Rana Rule lasted for 104 years.  Regarding development, Nepal was less .....

do as follows (3x1+k)+(3x2+k)+(3x3+k)=36 simplify it and get the value of .....

The larval stage of the frog is called tadpole Which lives inside water  So, they have tail and the fins to swim and  gills to breathe  Whereas the adult frog lives  mostly on the land  So, they have limbs to walk .....

But, there are some responses that we do not show externally. We do not think and control them.  They are associated with our internal body functions.  They are automatic and uncontrollable by our .....

The existence of life on earth is possible mainly because of following three factors: The location of earth at the right temperature region that creates a habitable climate on it. The right distance from the sun for the existence of liquid .....

Earth and mars are different in terms  of temperature , size and atmosphere(composition of gases) But these are similar in terms of geologic processes  such as volcanoes,canyons (deep narrow valley with steep sides), Land features, .....

The history of earth from its origin to present time is covered in a time scale known as geological time scale. The geological time scale is chronologically divided into different intervals of time such as eons, eras, periods, epochs .....

The earth is considered to have been originated 4600 million years before. There have been many changes in terms of evolution of organisms, topography and climatic conditions within this period of time. If we want to study these changes easily , .....

As these after burning produces more energy per unit mass,these are important to fuel motor vehicles and power electricity plants. used to make medicine, cosmetics, lubricants,etc also used to make plastics, rubber , toothpaste , .....

Silkworm is a very useful insect. It is used in sericulture to produce silk threads on the commerical basis. It is in favour of the farmers to understand the life cycle of silkworm before its farming. It helps them to understand the different .....

Let us discuss the criss-cross method of writing molecular formula with some examples. 


Those who have written Lumbini, Nepal are .....

The life cycle of bees passes through four broad and distinct stages such as egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The colonies of bees consist of three castes: Queen bee, worker bee and drones (males). Queen bees lay eggs, worker bees are non-egg .....


First, take 'a' common from 1st and 2nd term.

And, take '-b' common from 3rd and 4th term.

After that, you should take (m+n) common.


Now, you will get expression (x2-18x+72) after taking x3 common. Then,  (x2-18x+72) can be furthur factorized by: separating 2nd term 18x into (ax +bx) such that: a*b=72.                .....

They are found basically in Nigeria They live in village, grow crops, rare animals Now a days they are engaging in trade as .....

You should be able to separate 2nd term (5x) into two terms such that: 5x=ax+bx such that, a*b=6 and a+b=5 so, a=2 and b=3. now, put 5x=2x+3x in the question. Take the common and you will be able to factorize the .....

You can find mean using given formula, Mean= sum of all items/ no. of .....

Let us take examples of algebraic expression like 4xy, 6xyz. These expressions are monomials. Monomial is the algebraic expresion with only one .....

Might be of bricks or stones.  Several bricks or stones are joined together to make the wall.  Bricks or stones are the building blocks of the wall.  Like the wall, our body is also made of several small building .....

Nepali number system: Twenty-three crore forty-six lakhs thirty-six thousand three hundred and .....

9a amd 4c  cannot be added.  Addition or sum is only possible with like .....

Yes! It''s Nepal. The name of our country is .....