Students and Teachers Forum

You can use corresponding angles to find the value of x and .....

First of all you have to know  what is the meaning of cube, that is power 3 Square that is power 2. Cube means multiply 3 times Square means multiply 2 times . In above,  value of x  is 3 and its power is 3. As well which means .....

We know, the number start from 0 to 9. But here, we cannot take number 0 as smallest one firstly.  Because you all know 0 doesnot have its value independently. So, we have to take 1 for smallest one first followed by 0 and 9 for the largest .....

Hindu-Arabic number system is the general number system that we use. All the numbers we write 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ........ are all in Hindu-Arabic system. Thus, we write 30 for thirty in Hindu-Arabic .....

The meaning of controversial is .....


Here let us consider, you have 16 chocolates . You have to divide it to your four friends. How many will each get? so from the table of four you can easily divide .....

Here in subtraction also start with the last digit . if u cannot subtract then take burrow from the adjacent number. For example here if u cannot subtract 9 from 4 then take burrow from 3. 3 will give 1 number which will stay infront of 4 and the .....

You have Rs. 1128. Yor father gave you Rs. 5473. How much money you have altogether? Start adding with last digit. If carry over come then put it to top of number before it. And at last you will get your .....

prime number is the number which is divisible by 1 or itself. so student now you can find your answer that is prime number between 10 to .....

Answer: Measurement is necessary to to get the exact quantity of the substance in our daily life. Explanation: Go to the shop and ask for some sugar.  How does the shopkeeper give you the sugar? Does he/she give you the sugar without .....


Got the difference between common nouns and proper nouns? Good .....

Find out all the conjunctions in  the above .....

In English grammar, 'concord' doubtlessly refers to subject-verb agreement. For example, Rohit or his uncles are going on a trip. In the sentence above, the verb 'are' agrees with the .....

Here, the verb changes with the person and number. Such verbs are non .....

Good question Krishna. Blue colour will get scattered more as it travels very slowly and in the form of many smaller waves. Due to its less velocity, its chances of striking the tiny dustparticles found in atmosphere and hence scattering even .....

when you see any right angled, it contains perpendicular (p), base (b) and hypotenuse (h) you know that sinA=p/h cosecA=h/p  so sinA=p/h        =1/(h/p)        =1/cosecA hence .....

the right angled seems like this               it contains perpendicular (p), base (b) and hypotenuse .....

slopes can be negative, positive or zero .....






Talsing and Mohi was the name given to Land owners and workers, Which is prevalent till .....

It was a unique system during medieval age. Just opposite of what is today. Today, Bridegroom's Surname is adopted by Bride But then, Bridegroom used to adopt the surname of .....

By the end of eleventh century Nepal was divided into Three states, Malla and challa Kings ruled Nepal. Thakuris ruled Karnali region. And later Rudra sen started the rule of Sen dynasty in .....

Baise chaubise state known as Khas kingdom extended upto Kumao, gadhwal in the west Mansarowar in North Bodhgaya in south and Trosuli in the .....

‘आउँछ’ समापक क्रिया हो .....

क्रियाले काम हुने वा नहुने कुरा बुझाउँछ । त्यसैले वाक्य पूरा गर्न क्रिया आवश्यक पर्दछ । .....

क्रिया वाक्य पूरा गर्ने शब्द हाे .....

क्रियापदले कर्ताले गरेकाे काम बुझाउँछ । काम हुने वा नहुने भनेर बुझाउँछ । जस्तै : खान्छु, .....

विशेषणले नाम र सर्वनामको गुण, आकार, रङग, परिमाण, सङ्ख्या बुझाउँछ .....

When a body changes its position with respect to its surrounding, it is said to be in motion.  A moving body will cover certain displacement within certain time. The rate of change of displacement is  called as velocity. Again, if we .....

You know about chromatography.  It is a technique for the separation of mixture of different coloured liquids. In adsorption chromatography, a adsorption column such as the column of chalk powder is .....

Now, you can calculate the area of rectangle by using formula, area= length * .....

There are many problems in our daily life. If somebody encourages you, you will do your best to solve those problems. Similarly, women are encouraged to do activities related to social development. Such activities are the activities of women .....

अब एउटा ढुङ्गालाई हेरौं त।  के ढुङ्गाले जीवित बस्तुले जस्तै खाने बच्चा .....

प्रश्न के हो थाहा भयेन। क्रिपया प्रश्न खुलाउनु .....

You may have seen a greenhouse. If you enter a greenhouse, you will feel warmer inside it than outside. It is because greenhouse traps heat energy within which increases its inner .....

The following are the reasons behind the decrement of poverty in Nepal day by day: - Foreign Migration. - Establishment of industries and factories in great numbers. - Expansion of tourism industry. - The good prospect of trade and .....

Now, you can use the formula to calculate area of  triangle using semiperimeter. You get the area of both the triangles. Divide the areas.   Thus, you get the ratio of areas of the given .....

There are certain arrangements needed before developmental activities. For example; road is necessary for development of rural areas. Industries are necessary for development of life standard. And so on. Now, you might have known what .....

Earth pulls apple towars its centre and vice versa. However, the pull of an apple not very .....

Take two pencils on a table. Take other two pencils on another table. Now, keep all the pencils in one place. And start counting the number of .....

यसका लागि केही वाक्य हेरौँ : रामकृष्ण नेपाली विषयमा ध्यान दिँदैन । गुरुले हामीलाई नकुटी .....

वाक्य बनाउन नाम वा सर्वनाम  विशेषण, क्रिया, अव्ययकाे आवश्यकता पर्दछ । जस्तै : १. राम चिसाे .....

Definitely, rapid population growth has an adverse effect upon the environment that we are part of. When the population increases alarmingly it needs more space for settlement for which jungles or forests need to be cleared or destroyed. The .....

 यसको लागि यता हेरौँ :  • नेपाली शिक्षक हँसिलो हुनुहुन्छ ।  • उसले कालो .....