Students and Teachers Forum

हो त । स्याबास .....

विशेषणले वस्तु कस्ताे छ भन्छ, वस्तु राम्राे नराम्राे ,कत्राे , कति भन्ने शब्दभएन भने के हुन्छ .....

विशेषणले नाम सर्वनामकाे  राम्राे, नराम्राे बानी, स्वाद, आकार, परिणाम बुझाउँछ । जस्तै : असल, .....

जुन शब्दले नाम र सर्वनाम कस्ताे छ, कति छ, कत्राे छ भनी बुझाउँछ, त्यस्ताे शब्द विशेषण शब्द हाे .....

Look at the picture below. In the picture, you can see a woman holding CNN Hero Award, right? She is a social worker Puspa Basnet from Nepal. Pushpa Basnet was awarded CNN Hero Award in 2012. And, she was awarded the CNN Super Hero Award in .....

नाम र सर्वनामकाे गुण बुझाउने शब्द विशेषण शब्द हाे .....

Yes, you are absolutely correct. But Pashupatinagar too lies in the northern part as a transit. It shares a border with .....

There is no open areas or seas at the boundary of Nepal. It is locked between .....

Since the countries do not have direct access to sea, there are many challenges that landlocked countries face. The problems faced by landlocked countries like Nepal are as follows: - Dependence upon neighbors’ transit to transport .....

स्याबास .....

हुन्छ ।  (क) पुरुषवाचक सर्वनाम (ख) दर्शकवाचक सर्वनाम (ग) सम्बन्धवाचक सर्वनाम (घ) प्रश्नवाचक .....

 धन्यवाद .....

सधैं नाम लिएर बाेलाइँदैन । नामकाे सट्टामा म, हामी, तिमी, तपाईं, उनी, तँ, काे, के, उहाँ, याे जस्ता .....

सबै देखिने चिजकाे नाम हुन्छ । कतिपय नदेखिने चिजकाे पनि नाम हुन्छ । जस्तै : • हामी भाइ, .....

नाममात्र लिएर बाेलाउँदा राम्राे सुनिदैन .....

ठाउँ, चिजबिज, प्राणी, संसारमा भएका सबै कुरालाई चिनाउने शब्द नै नाम शब्द हाे । मानिस, नदी, मन्दिर .....

वाक्य बनाउन नामबाहेक अन्य धेरै शब्द पनि चाहिन्छ । जस्तै : राम पानी पिउँछ । यस वाक्यमा दुईवटा .....

हो त । स्याबास .....

Look at your surrounding.  What do you see? You may see buildings, rocks, soil, water and many more.  You also see plants such as grasses, rose, mango, peepal, garden plants and so on.  You see animals like cow, buffallo, goat, .....

You may have uncles and aunty. They may have sons or daughters. What do you call .....

Number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and all other numbers we use in counting are natural numbers. And the only difference between natural number and whole number is 0.   0 is a whole number but not a natural number. Now, you can tell what a whole number .....

Can you please clarify the .....

Dowry system is a social evil.  It is illegal these days.  It creates domestic violence. It may deteriorate the economy of the bride's family. It may create a social imbalance.  If the demand is high from the groom's .....

The formula of SI is .....


The constitution is the supreme law of a nation. It is the supreme law in the sense that any laws inconsistent with this law are avoided. And the other laws in the country are guided by this law. The constitution is the set of fundamental .....

Prime Meridian is one of the longitudanal lines. It's represents 0° longitude. There are 360 meridians of longitudes, 180 to the east and 180 to the west of prime .....

You know that Earth has both latitudes and longitudes. Latitudes pass from East to West parallel to Equator on both the sides of the poles. The line of capricorn is also a latitudanal line that passes through 23. 469°. This line lies in the .....

The addition of the amount of work done in a day will give you the amount of work they can do in one .....

Before answering power, let us discuss about work. You may have learnt about work. Can you tell me what work .....

The numbers are in arithmetic progression, aren't they? Keep the numbers 111 to 118 in left-hand side. And keep the numbers in arithmetic progression in right-hand .....

युक्त कविताका कवि लेखनाथ पौड्याल ( वि.सं १९४१ – २०२२) द्धारा लिखित कवितामा वसन्त ऋतुको समयमा .....

To illustrate the given data in a Venn-diagram,  draw two circles such that one circle overlaps the other within a rectangular .....

A substance, whose mass is to be measured, is kept at one side of the beam balance. And a body of fixed mass is kept at its other side. It is used to measure the mass of other .....


At first find its mean then see the picture posted .....

-Find the mean -Find the difference of mean and each data i.e.   d=X-Mean -Find d2 -Find ∑d then apply the formula of SD SD=√(∑d

mean deviation is the mean .....

Find the number of terms in the sequence  Here fist term given common difference can be obtained  then use the formula for Sn in .....

Since the numbers are in AP 8 is the 4th term  first term is given use the formula for tn and you will get d a+d= x  similarly y can also be .....

Difference between x and fist term is equal to last term and x this concept gives the value of x since it is in .....

You know that when we calcualte common difference we simply subtract the previous term from upcoming term i.e. either t2-t1 or t8-t7 like that  so in this case also do the same but be careful with .....

Since difference is common in it it is an .....

South Asian Association for Regional Cooperations(SAARC) is the regional intergovernmental organization in South Asia. It is the organization of eight South Asian countries. The reasons behind the establishment of SAARC are mentioned below: - It .....

Modernization in agriculture is very urgent in the context of Nepal. Modernizing it will open up multiple possibilities to the farmers. The modernization will help introduce latest technologies which will multiply the products. It also .....

Water, firstly is the essential element of human life. Can you imagine your life without water? Next, for irrigation, for hydroelectricity generation. also for water .....

In your sentence, 'Amar runs to a city'.  Here, the verb 'runs' is immediately followed by the preposition 'to' before the noun 'city'. Hence, the verb .....

Compare the following sentences.  a. Our pets were killed by a wolf at night. b. Our friends were robbed.  Why is 'by+agent' missing in the sentence .....

So, the correct option is .....

See the examples below. a. Hari got his uncle to help him. b. Simla made her student eat pizza. c. Suraj had his nephew .....